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AJF Professional Services is able provide skilled staff and consultants to businesses for Project Risk Analysis and Assessment, Bid and Tendering Support, Project Management, Integrated Logistics Support and Enterprise Risk Management. 


To meet these needs AJFPS has developed a skilled team of staff, consultants and associates who are available to provide direct consulting and contracting services, advice, coaching and training services in those key areas of:

  • Risk Management Consulting and Risk Software

  • Bid and Proposals Planning, Development and Management

  • Tender Authoring and Review

  • Project Management

  • Risk Management, and

  • Integrated Logistics Support and Asset Management


As a direct consequence of our successful consulting assignments we have also developed specific training courses / workshops for:

  • “Bid to Win” Proposals and Tenders,

  •  Practical Project Management,

  •  Practical Risk Management,

  •  Integrated Logistics Support and Asset Management Practitioners, and

  •  Specialist Engineering Disciplines (RAM, FMECA and FTA)


We are able to tailor these workshops to suit your business and techology.


We have successfully supported numerous Australian and international companies since 2005, and would be very pleased to discuss your specific needs at any time.


Andrew J Ferguson

MBA, BEng, CPEng, CPLog, FIE Aust


About Us

AJF Professional Services Pty Ltd has been created to provide bid, tender and project management and engineering services to corporate, government and private industry clients in Australia and overseas.


The Principal Consultant is Andrew Ferguson, MBA, BEng, CPEng, CPLog, who has a wide experience in technology project management, engineering, logistics, training, documentation and business management, bids, tenders, and risk management.

Bid & Tender Support


AJFPS can support your “must win” bid with a practical consulting and coaching program designed to assist you to develop your winning tender that will increase your win ratio, decrease tendering costs and increase profit.


 AJFPS can tutor you through the process by employing a range of effective business development processes including bid planning, bid management, tender authoring and review services.

Contact Us


For more information or questions about our products & services, please contact us at the following address.

Mobile: +61 408 466 276

Phone: +61 8 8265 2528



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