Bid & Tender Support
AJFPS consultants can support your bid, tender or proposal with a successful and robust bid and tender strategy designed to assist you to respond to tenders with a professional, logical and convincing bid which optimises and increases your prospects of winning the contract.
AJFPS can support and assist you through the bid and tendering process by employing a range of effective business development processes including bid planning, bid management, tender authoring and review services.
Alternatively we can fully develop your tender from start to finish with your assistance.
Tender specific:
We assist businesses to respond to a specific tender with a compelling, professional, logical and convincing bid which optimises the prospect of being shortlisted as preferred tenderer and winning the subsequent contract with your client.
By developing your current tender AJFPS leaves you with an adaptable process and example to apply to subsequent tenders without our assistance being necessary in the future.
Bid Training and Coaching:
We can train and coach your internal bid team in bid and tender management by way of a range of effective business development processes including bid planning, bid management and development, tender authoring and review services using a range of proven world class methodologies as used by AJFPS professionals on many successful bids and tenders.
AJFPS Bid and Proposal Handbook:
AJFPS has developed our own Bid and Proposal Handbook that can be tailored to suit your specific company and industry requirements and processes. This Bid and Proposal Handbook is available to all our key clients. AJFPS can provide full tailoring services as needed.
Bids & Tender Workshops
The AJFPS Bid and Tendering Workshop objective is to introduce clients to a successful and proven methodology of developing winning bids and tenders.
Workshop Objective and Content:
This proven and successful bid and tendering method will reduce your overall tendering costs and improve your winning bid ratio and contract outcomes.
The workshop addresses the following key issues:
Gathering and assessing the key information prior to the formal tender release;
The 55 things you need to know and do before any tender process commences
Making the key decisions and planning your winning proposal;
Choosing the best alliance partners, joint venturers and bid project teams
Preparing a compelling executive summary so your client wants to read your tender
Preparing and submitting a winning proposal; and the
Necessary post RFT activities up to Contract award.
These topics can be adapted to meet the specific requirements of attendees from either several companies or for a one company-specific workshop.
Workshop Background:
The workshop outline follows the contents of our successful AJF Professional Services Bid and Proposal Handbook. Developed over a number of years and continually reviewed to ensure its currency, the Handbook’s contributors include several very experienced and successful business development and proposal managers.
The workshop leader has applied the techniques in this workshop to successfully submit and win numerous bids, tenders and proposals with a better than 50% win loss ratio by quantity and value (with over $250M of work won) across several industries including maintenance, construction, water, logistics, professional services and defence.
Workshop Content Can Be Adapted to Suit Your Unique Business Needs:
If there is a specific upcoming tender(s), attendees can use this as the case study for their workshop sessions. In this way the materials developed by attendees during the workshop can be reviewed, used, adapted and applied later for the real proposal project.
For further information please call Andrew Ferguson on +61 408 466 276 or click here to email.